The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On June 27 at 12:28 PM
Now this is the face of a happy kitty! Professional pet sitters make a difference! We are committed to our clients to make sure their pets are cared for the way we would want our own to be treated. I don't know which one is the bigger key to Bree's heart...cuddles or having her lunch served on time each day, but I'm going to safely say the answer is both!

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On September 29 at 11:46 AM
I was looking through my phone and I saw these great pictures that we hadn't posted yet! These are are some very happy dogs! Good timing considering it is #nationaldogweek

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On September 28 at 7:23 AM
It's a beautiful day here for hanging out on the catio! Phillip doesn't need the sunspot in the living room right now if he has the whole catio to lounge around in. #catio #catification #cats #catsofinstagram #gingercatsrule #sunnyday #airdrie #thecatnextdoor

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On September 17 at 6:40 PM
Even kitties enjoy a little #screentime now and then. Joni spent a few minutes playing cat games while her litter was getting done #caturday #petsitting #TheCatNextDoor #cats #catsofinstagram #catgames

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On September 11 at 5:22 PM
This pretty kitty is Darling (and she really is a darling!) We looked after her this past Labour Day weekend, what a beauty! #prettykitty #cats #catsofinstagram

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