The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On October 29 at 1:03 PM
The 3 musketeers! Chyna, Phillip, and Gizmo.

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On August 11 at 2:01 PM
It is usually a little difficult to get a clear picture of Freya and Bug since they are always on the move, but I caught them coming out of a nap today so they were a little more still. What a couple of cuties!

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On August 03 at 1:42 PM
The kind people at the Irricana Kountry Kennel cared for this wonderful cat, Smoke, and found him a home. Recently, they found out he was surrendered to the Calgary Humane Society. If anyone can give this guy the excellent forever home he deserves, please give him a chance.

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On August 01 at 2:39 PM
Wow, look at the matching intense stares on these girls! How can you tell it is dinner time? #devonrex #thecatnextdoor #catsofinstagram #cutepets #cute #petsitting

The Cat Next Door Inc. in Airdrie
On July 18 at 7:55 AM
How adorable is Stella? She is such a smart and sweet little lady. Little Stella is still a puppy, and we love watching her explore and learn new things.

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