Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 23 at 2:56 PM
Helping others is a free way to have feeling of loving kindness. Spread it around by finding moments today to share it.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 21 at 12:51 PM
Make a dream a reality by planning it out and working the plan!

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 21 at 12:51 PM
The thing I love most about listening and focusing on my breathing is how I can only be in the present moment while I do. My breath is the one thing that is never caught in the memories of the past or the expectations of the future.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 16 at 7:40 PM
What have you always wanted to try? I want to do a headstand without supports, try using a stand up board and 100 new meatless meals.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 16 at 7:40 PM
We often postpone our dreams with sayings like... too expensive, not the right time, I'll go next time. And often we never get there. For me it took 20 years, every year I would find another reason get in my way. Sometimes we have to give something up to get what we dream of. And that something is FEAR. Fear that it won't work out, that we can't find a way to afford it etc. When you write down your dream include as much detail about it as you can. When you close your eyes what do you see. Lastly.... why do you want this dream. What does it mean to you. Write as much as you can about this. To finish my story I finally gave myself permission to have my dreams and the results have been incredible. It's like the universe was listening and some things are just coming to me without effort and others are presenting themselves as opportunities I can take. It makes me wonder, did my permission make it possible OR was the universe always showing the same things and I wasn't listening?

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