Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 30 at 6:25 PM
Over the past 26 days we've done a lot of self reflection. Now that we know what we know I have a question. What new leaf do you want to turn over?

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 28 at 5:37 PM
I'm so grateful for my beautiful family and the beautiful place we live in

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 26 at 7:32 PM
I find that I take on more decisions than I need to. Sometimes it's a nice reminder we have a support system around us if we can allow it. So today I invite you to allow someone to make a decision for you.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 26 at 7:32 PM
Saying positive things about ourselves can feel awful because we are so used to pointing out the negative things we see in the mirror or think in our minds. The only way to change that inner dialogue and to see ourselves with love and compassion is to consistently use different language. So today I invite you to share three compliments with yourself today. You can do it as it happens or even reflect at the end of the day. When you are done take some time to reflect on how it felt. And even any barriers to it feeling comfortable and accessible.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 23 at 2:56 PM
People often ask me about my nails... here is my tip!

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