It is often easier to spot signs of a cockroach problem than the actual insect pest. Cockroaches are mostly nocturnal, during the day they prefer to stay hidden in cracks and crevices, coming out to feed mostly at night time. Some signs of cockroaches are droppings, smear marks, odor, shed skin and of course actually seeing the pest! For cockroach removal in Airdrie, Calgary or the surrounding area contact The Pest Control Guy!
One of the most common pests we deal with at The Pest Control Guy Airdrie is Mice. While mice are small creatures, they can be extremely irritating, and can often be difficult to get rid of. Rather than using mouse traps which are so commonly used, our approach to mice uses a professional monitored bait system. Because mice reproduce so quickly, classic mouse traps may not get the job done, as you never know where that one mouse came from, or if you have a whole family of mice living on your property. So working with the Pest Control Guy Airdrie where you will receive professional services, mice will not continue to be an ongoing problem for you.
One of the most common pests we deal with at The Pest Control Guy Airdrie is Mice. While mice are small creatures, they can be extremely irritating, and can often be difficult to get rid of. Get rid of mice in Calgary, Airdrie and the surrounding area with the help of The Pest Control Guy!