The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie
On November 23 at 5:14 PM
The Pest Control Guy Tip: If you use a wood stove and have firewood, keep the woodpiles at least 20 feet away from the exterior of your home and try to keep them elevated if possible! The further firewood piles are away from your home! This will better protect your home has from carpenter ants and other potentially destructive pests!

The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie
On November 17 at 7:13 PM
Voles can do significant damage to your landscape, so the need for eradication should be taken seriously! If you see spot trails or cracked earth in your lawn (similar to what is pictured) the chances are you have voles! Contact The Pest Control Guy to handle your vole situations right away!

The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie
On November 15 at 7:10 AM
MICE! Tiny creature that can become a huge problem if left untreated. If you have seen a mouse in your home the chances are that the problem is bigger than you expect! Contact The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie right away to take care of your mice problem. I will come in and rid your home of mice fast so you can go back to living comfortably!

The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie
On November 12 at 8:07 AM
Over the years, we have been shown that rodents such as mice or voles are all just fun and games. Take ratatouille for example, or the Mickey Mouse we all know and love. But the reality is, they can be a very exhausting situation. We see mice all over the world in places like restaurants, and especially in people's homes due to the extreme attraction mice have to food. But on the other hand, we have voles. These are often mistaken as mice, the only difference being the slight difference in size, voles being only a few grams bigger, along with a few other minor physical features. But the main difference between mice and voles is where they lurk. Mice stay around homes or any other place where they may sense food. While voles tend to stay outdoors, closer to ground where there are plants, mulch, long grass, etc. They can still be found in homes, but are most commonly found in backyards or gardens where they will feed off of plants. Voles are known to make runways underground by burrowing, making them harder to notice, or see in plain sight. Some signs that you may have voles are burrows or holes in the lawn or at bases of trees, you will also notice shorter grass where their runways are located. If you have plants that a vole has eaten, there will be a pointed tip at the stem. While voles are able to make burrows, mice can fit through extremely tiny spaces, which makes it easier for them to hide. But some signs that you may have mice are gnaw marks, urine odours, droppings, gnawed holes, or even abnormal behaviours in your pet. While voles and mice may not cause direct harm, they spread many diseases and viruses through their feces and urine. Especially deer mice which are an even more serious situation, causing serious diseases. If you see signs of mice or voles on your property, contact a pest control expert immediately.

The Pest Control Guy in Airdrie
On November 09 at 1:04 PM
Hearing rustling or scratching above your head as you fall asleep at night is never a good sign! You could have raccoons, squirrels or other pests making their home in your attic for the winter. You should never check what is going on by yourself; contact the professionals at The Pest Control Guy to get back to having a good night's sleep!

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