North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 25 at 5:46 PM
Do you or one of your loved ones snore regularly? We recently had a new location of Rana Respiratory Care open near our office and we have a relationship with them. We can help you get in touch with them to get a sleep study done. It's very simple and only involves taking their portable machine home to monitor your breathing at night. The results will determine whether or not you might have sleep apnea. Why does a dentist care about this? Because we see the consequences of apnea including tooth grinding and acid reflux. It can also be a possible causality of ADHD in kids. The great news is the test is free!

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 18 at 5:57 PM
Congratulations to one of our wonderful patients who won our oil and vinegar giveaway from on tap oil and vinegar in Airdrie! we will have contests like this running from time to time, the contest rules are easy! You will be entered for having and keeping an appointment from 9-3 Monday to Friday

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 17 at 6:40 PM
We sometimes get questions about using charcoal for brushing or whitening teeth. After doing a bit of research, I wouldn't recommend it. It sounds messy and very abrasive. Tooth enamel that is scratched by abrasive substances can trap stain from dark colored food and drink like berries, cola and red wine. This defeats the purpose of trying to whiten them in the first place. A safer alternative is a whitening system approved by your dentist. This will whiten the teeth internally instead of just removing surface stains by scratching them off.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 13 at 10:24 AM
Just a reminder our free nutrition event is this Wed (today) at 6PM. Complimentary snacks, drinks and some great information about healthy eating/creative brown bag lunches. Please contact us to RSVP.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 07 at 5:40 PM
Attention wine lovers! If you love prosecco, it has sugar added to it. Check out the article below:

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