North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On July 23 at 1:47 PM
Do your kids grind their teeth? This can be a sign of a partially obstructed airway and should be evaluated. Sometimes large tonsils or adenoids are blocking the airway and the growing brain is not getting enough oxygen at night. This can lead to tired kids and behavioral issues. Some experts believe most ADHD is actually sleep deprivation from lack of oxygen and poor quality sleep.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On July 15 at 12:44 PM
Do you or any of your family have a tongue tie? This is a situation where the tongue is unable to touch the palate and does not have the ability to move freely because the attachment to the floor of the mouth is impeding it. The effects of this can be inability of a child to breastfeed, speech impediments and mouth breathing. Not sure if someone has a tongue tie? We can check it out!

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On June 27 at 9:43 AM
We are pleased to announce that we will be participating in a charity campaign sponsored by the Alberta Dental Association. It is called Start School Smiling and allows grade 1 students in Alberta to have a free examination and x-rays at participating dental clinics. More information to come. The campaign will be running from Sept 15 to Oct 31.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 29 at 11:46 AM
It was an amazing fall day in Airdrie! Hope everyone had a chance to get out and enjoy it. I'm glad the kids at Ecole Edwards had such great weather for their Terry Fox run. I have also begun the slow process of training for a 10K for next year. It was an awesome day to get out for a run.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On September 28 at 7:23 AM
I'm sad to report I've seen a few kids in a lot of pain recently because of abscessed teeth. If this is the child's first ever visit to the dentist, it really breaks my heart because getting an extraction is a difficult appointment and doesn't set them up to feel positively about coming back. Now that we are into the school year, please take the time to make an appointment to have an examination and cleaning for all your family members. Their comfort and quality of life depend on it!

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