North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On April 24 at 10:38 AM
We wanted to have some fun by doing a small giveaway. Like our page and tell us about a great movie you saw recently or a movie you are looking forward to seeing. If you have already liked our page, you are halfway there. Contest closes Tuesday and we will announce the winner in the main feed of our page. Good luck!

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On April 21 at 9:01 AM
Many Airdrie students are on spring break this week. If you are not lucky enough to be spending it on a beach somewhere else, it's a great chance to get caught up on all the things that are hard to fit into your normal routine. Give us a call before school starts again next Tuesday

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On April 19 at 9:14 PM
Had enough of these guys yet? We'll trade you a toy and a sugarless (xylitol) sucker for your Easter chocolate. Usually by this point, the favorites have been devoured and all that's left is the least popular treats.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On April 13 at 12:57 PM
On Monday night, I was invested as a Beaver Scouter. This means I received my necker (scarf) and was officially welcomed to the colony. It's been a lot of fun volunteering and I'm looking forward to continuing on as our youngest gets to join Beavers this fall.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On April 12 at 3:35 PM
Do you have a broken, sore, or sensitive tooth? Easter is fast approaching and we only have a couple of appointments available before it is here! We will be closed on good Friday but will reopen to serve you on Monday.

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