It's a hot one out there! Even hotter if you are headed down to Stampede this weekend. Many of us will be tempted by dollar drink days and other deals on cool, gigantic, sugary beverages. Treat yourself and your kids to a funky looking refillable water bottle and put some fun stickers on it. We can help supply the stickers if you are looking.
How were your Canada Day festivities? It was a great day, with the exception of the rain in the late afternoon. I wasn't able to stay awake till the fire works but did enjoy the parade. It's always great to start it off with our fine veterans and RCMP. All of the floats were fantastic. I let the kids collect about 2 pounds of candy, have one thing, and then put it away. They have already forgotten about it. Not sure why candy is given away but if anyone would like to trade us for toys, toothbrushes, gum, stickers, or sugarless suckers, bring it on down to the office.
It's almost Canada Day and it's looking like it will be a hot one! Most of us are aware that we need to protect our skin with sunscreen while we participate in our outdoor activities but did you know it's also important to protect your lips? Lips can burn and people with outdoor occupations are at the highest risk for cancer of the lips. Many companies make great lip balms with sunscreen right it them.
And now for something completely different...We are designing a patient experience and need your input. We understand you have a lot of choice when it comes to picking a dentist for your oral health needs. We want to differentiate ourselves by providing the most outstanding customer service experience in Airdrie. Please send us a message with something that would make your day if you had to come to an appointment. Serious suggestions only and please do not leave them in the main feed. The best suggestion will win a $25 gift card. Put your thinking caps on and good luck!
It's officially summer! Hope you get a chance to toast the summer solstice with a nice cool beverage! There's about a week of school left and life is going to get busy with stampeding, vacations, summer camp, etc. Don't forget about regular dental care. Days off school are a perfect opportunity to catch up on appointments!