These past two weeks have been filled with runny noses, sore throats, ache bodies and lots of rest in our house. Here is one of my favorite flu season recipes.Garlic Ginger teaMake a tea by boiling one chopped garlic clove, three slices of ginger, one chopped scallion, some basil, and a pinch of cinnamon in three cups of water for five minutes. Strain. Drink the tea hot and get into bed. Cover up and prepare to sweat. Sweating opens the pores, releasing trapped pathogens from the skin. Drink three or more cups of this tea every day until symptoms subside.
Today is my gramma's birthday and I miss her dearly. As I thought of her this morning I was overwhelmed with how she taught me to be a woman who loves and supports others fiercely.In her honor today I invite you to share a collage of people who have taught you how to love fiercely too and tell us about what they mean to you.In my collage are women in my life who show me what it means to be brave, to be authentic, and to be loved.#fridayfeeling
Some days are harder than others, and today is one of those days. From the moment I woke up I've just felt down. Not wanting to do a whole lot the first time I made it to my mat was teaching a class. Often times as a yoga teacher as we are supporting our students we are also supporting ourselves. Today this is very much the case.After the class a few students came to say thank you, and one said "I felt like you were giving me a hug".After a few shed tears I remembered that we can't give to others what we can't give to ourselves. Today I clearly needed a hug and I'm so grateful that I was able to share that hug with others.