Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 10 at 7:39 PM
Do something just for you today! Is it pampering, time with loved ones, a walk in the park, and act of kindness? Give yourself some love today.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 09 at 11:54 AM
What does your attitude of gratitude look like? The first thing and the last thing you think about each day is so important. By making a list of the loves of your life you can begin to frame what you want those thoughts to be. Then choose your daily mantras for the bringing and end of your days.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 08 at 6:00 PM
Reframe your self talk with love and compassion by taking time to show yourself love and joy.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 08 at 6:00 PM
It's day 6: take a moment to define self love and acceptance and let it serve as a reminder on days you need one.

Life of Wellness Centre in Airdrie
On August 07 at 7:28 PM
Real love and real connection can be hard to see clearly when we are disconnected from our values and hiding from self awareness. Take some time to be the witness to when you feel loved and when you don't.

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