About Us
Are you looking for more out of life, do you feel there is more waiting for you if you could just find the right opportunity that would give you that freedom?If you answered yes then our Global Opportunity may be just what you have been waiting for!
We are an established Global Market Leader in the Personal Development industry. Our accredited Personal Development programs are widely used in over 156 countries, with over 65,000 satisfied customers over the last 15 years.
Our business continues to experience strong growth in these uncertain times with individuals wanting to work from home and achieve significant levels of personal and professional success.
Our Global Business Model provides a simple 3 step system and assists people worldwide to set up and run successful online Businesses from anywhere in the world.
Full support and continuous live training is provided by the Company.
Situated in the Personal Development / Media & Leadership Development Industries our online Courses and Live Events are Award Winning.
More people are wanting to work from home having the freedom and flexibility to choose their work schedule & know there is an unlimited earning potential is truly motivating.
Ask Yourself
Are you looking for a change?
Are you looking to have more time and freedom to do the things you love?
Are you a driven and motivated?
Do you like to work on your personal development while improving your mindset?
Do you like to help others?
Are you looking for your own online business that you can work around your schedule?
Do you enjoy travelling and exploring the world?
Do you want to be in control of your earning potential?
Are you unhappy with your current situation but don't know how to change it?
If you have answered yes to any of these, I invite you to take a look at our video at the link below and see if it resonates with you. If you feel this may be something that you have been searching for enter in your details and we can have a brief chat about the opportunity to see if there is potential of us working together.
Call Angie for more info:

Angie Payne
HI I’M ANGIE, I am fortunate to run a business in Personal Development, an industry I am truly passionate about.
I have been feeling that I need more out of life, I wanted to do something for myself and also be proud of. This business will allow me to grow as an individual and will give me the opportunity to achieve success so I can create more freedom to do the things I dream of.
I am passionate about working with motivated individuals who want to create financial freedom so they can have that flexibility in their lives as well to do the things that they love and to Turn Dreams Into Reality.
To create a life that you are excited about and you don’t need a vacation from

This was a family vacation in Thailand, we hired a driver to take to explore all of the sites in Phuket
All of the temples throughout Thailand were incredible, I loved spending time visiting different ones inside
At a ceremony in Mexico with my husband, daughter, son, sister in law and two nieces. I love travelling with my family and experiences other cultures
I love being a part of our community, monthly dinner get togethers with other local business owners
THE PROBLEM THAT LED ME HERE: I have tried many things over the years from working for someone to owning my own event planning company. I got into network marketing and found a couple of companies that I focused a lot of energy on and I did fairly well with them, enough to create a little more freedom but not as much as I had hoped. One company closed and the other I couldn’t get product to Canada anymore so I lost all of my hard work and my whole team, I searched for other companies, even tried a couple others but knew my heart wasn't in it so they did not succeed. It took me awhile to figure out what my purpose was again, it is easy to feel lost or stuck and working on my personal development helped me figure out what I truly wanted out of life again.
THE BUSINESS THAT IS LEADING ME TO SUCCESS: Representing award winning products in Personal Development, something I have been fascinated with for years and want to share with others. This is something that can not be taken away and I don’t need to worry about what is happening in the economy, I can build the business I choose. I am very excited for this journey and look forward to all of the wonderful things this business will create. I love to travel and I am wanting the freedom to be able to explore the world more while helping others to achieve their goals
If you are looking for financial freedom, if you want to be able to create the dream life you want to manifest and are motivated to devote a couple hours a day to a new business, then reach out to me today.
Angie Payne