Tidie Tots started because, founders, Nadine and Rebecca believed there had to be an easier, more efficient way to clean baby gear without sacrificing time with what matter most, family.
We are passionate about showcasing other amazing small businesses in Calgary and this week we want to introduce you to UNREFINED!
UNREFINED started because, founder and maker, Rebecca, believed all-natural skincare shouldn't be a luxury. Its core baby line, for example, sells almost at what it costs to make, which Rebecca agrees may not be a sound business philosophy but she won't change her approach. She recalls being a new mom and feeling like there was a never-ending list of expenses. On top of that, she found out many of the common baby products might not actually be all that safe and many natural alternatives would put a hefty dent in her already stretched family budget. "Mamas should never to choose between safety for their littles, or food on the table."
What started as a skincare line almost exclusively devoted to babies, quickly grew to become a line for the whole family. Rebecca believes strongly in supporting local and in helping other women feel valued and supported, whatever their aim. "We are all a bunch of humans muddling through," she says. "It's so much better to surround yourself with a tribe of like-minded people so you can laugh and cry your way through it together."
Her next goal: having her product packaging become completely sustainable by saying so long to single-use plastics.
To learn more about Rebecca and her company visit their website at http://www.unrefined.ca/
Showcasing: Unrefined Canada
We're sticklers for safety around here and want to keep you and your child safe. One of the most important things you can do is model the behavior you want to see!
So whether you're out on a boat this summer or going for an easy cruise around the neighborhood, please wear your helmets and life jackets! We'll be honest, you don't need to wear both at the same time (unless you're river rafting) but we think you get the point...
Let's face it. Strollers get DIRTY.
We take them everywhere. Our little passengers eat in them, sleep in them, spoil their diapers in them, not to mention the spilled milk, cookie crumbs, mashed fruit, the list goes on!
All of this residue eventually creeps into the fabric and crevices of your baby's ride. When the time comes for a deep cleaning, call the Tidie Team to get your stroller looking new and smelling great again!