Tidie Tots in Calgary
On August 17 at 7:04 AM
Our jobs aren't glamorous, but we're passionate about germ-free, clean strollers and love throwing on the rubber gloves and getting your baby gear clean! The reward... the best before and after photos possible!

Tidie Tots in Calgary
On August 16 at 7:58 AM
We're excited to showcase another local Mompreneur... Jillian Klassen from Little Lifelines CPR "After having my first son I realized that too many new parents didn’t know what to do when their new little bundle of joy choked. As I nurse I know the first step I keeping everyone healthy is an education! So I looked at what obstacles people face in learning CPR and choking response, one of the biggest hurdles new mom’s faced was time, they would have to be away from there little ones for 4+ hours, which can be very difficult. I realized there was a need for quick, reliable CPR and choking response training. Little Lifelines CPR offers CPR in your home on your schedule, to help new moms learn these essential skills. I am a Heart and Stroke Foundation certified instructor and offer both certification and confidence building classes. I even allow extra time in my schedule so if baby (or toddler for that matter) need attention during the class we aren’t rushed to finish the course content." To learn more about Little Lifelines please visit their Instagram account at Little Lifelines CPR

Tidie Tots in Calgary
On August 08 at 8:01 PM
Congratulations Channy Marie! You have won our "Dirtiest Stroller" contest! Thank you to everyone who entered... all 5 of you! While we wish everyone could have won we are grateful that you entered our little contest and went through the couple little bumps we had with this campaign. Growing a business is never easy and we thank you for entering and showing your support for what we're trying to build! We look forward to staying in touch and encourage you to enter future contests. Have a great week!

Tidie Tots in Calgary
On August 08 at 7:01 AM
Kids love to colour, draw and paint! But with their endless creations, where do you display it all?

Tidie Tots in Calgary
On August 03 at 1:42 PM
What's one thing you can't forget to pack for the long weekend road trip?

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