About Us

Local community television with all local content as reported by local sources, performed and created by local content creators. 

If you have an idea for a show, why not let us promote it through our video platform. Opportunity to monetize and shared revenue. This is not YouTube (TM) Where you need hundreds of thousands of clicks every week to earn. This is a platform that allows the content creators to have their own sponsors or allow us to sell advertising on their behalf as shared revenue.

Content creators with an entrepreneurial spirit or desire to work for themselves are welcome, as are sponsors and advertisers who would like to take advantage of a new, unique way of getting their message out to a geographically targeted audience.

Content is free for public viewing, live stream capabilities as well as available for viewing at viewers convenience.

This is community television that can be viewed anywhere, anytime via an internet or wifi connection.

Interested content creators or sponsors can contact us directly through our website. 

We welcome infomercials, movies, television shows, music videos, community news, municipal channels, sporting events, community events and DIY ( How To ) content. 

Content creators retain 100% of their intellectual property rights.