PUSH cycling studio inc. in Airdrie
On August 30 at 6:25 PM
PUSH rider Sarah has made it all the way to Turner Valley!!! Only 2 1/2 days left to see how far you get along the route!

PUSH cycling studio inc. in Airdrie
On August 28 at 5:37 PM
PUSH cycling studio inc. Yesterday at 12:11pm ยท Congrats to these 3 PUSH Riders for completing the PUSH Tour of Alberta this summer! And Double congrats to Lori for doing it twice!!! Only a few days left, will you make it home?? #Pushtourofalberta #summerspinchallenge #killedit

PUSH cycling studio inc. in Airdrie
On August 26 at 7:32 PM
PUSH riders getting ready for a Saturday sweat session! #hiitworkout #spinning #spinlove #fatburner #fitforsummer #fitnessmotivation #fit #spin #airdrie #PUSHcycling #yyc #welovespinning

PUSH cycling studio inc. in Airdrie
On August 23 at 2:56 PM
PUSH is doing it again!!! We had such great success with our last PUSH Whole30 challenge that are offering it again!!! Join US at PUSH for a life-changing fitness and diet make over! This 6 week commitment guarantees change. You will receive a whole lot of support, accountability and immense knowledge! Your new lifestyle starts on September 25th!! Hurry and reserve your spot! We will kick off this challenge on September 21st with body composition testing and an orientation! #pushwhole30 #fatburning #fun #change #diet #weightloss #musclegain #fitforlife #readyforchange #youcandothis #doitforyou #readyforchange #Airdrie #yyc #yycnorth http://www.pushcyclingstudio.com/push-whole30.html

PUSH cycling studio inc. in Airdrie
On August 23 at 2:56 PM
Always wanted to experience a spin class but have been too nervous? NOW is your chance! Join us on Sunday, September 17th at 11:30am and we'll help you get set up on your bike properly, explain the console, class profiles, answer your questions, turn up the music, dim the lights and have some fun! All PUSH classes are safe, fun and effective for members of all shapes, sizes and abilities. You don't even have to know how to ride a bike! This workshop is exclusive to new riders, so if you know anyone who would be interested, share this event with them and you can earn PUSH Perks! Call 587-254-0210 to register or sign up online >> https://goo.gl/3X8Q6v Space is limited.

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