North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On August 03 at 7:49 PM
Anyone tried movie at the meadows this summer? Just heard this morning that Spruce Meadows is doing an outdoor movie every Wed for $20 per carload of people. The movie starts at dusk but the gates open at 7:30. They have all kinds of food so you can eat dinner there. They have a pre-movie band and other entertainment. Don't forget your blankets and lawn chairs!

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On August 01 at 5:49 PM
Dropped off our donation at the Food Bank this morning and learned they are desperate for some baby formula. If you have any extra or have any that's short dated, please help them if you can. We had a great Sunday outing yesterday in central Calgary. We parked down by the fish hatchery and rode to Inglewood for lunch and drinks, then checked out the hatchery. Great educational stuff inside about Alberta's lakes and rivers. They were about to close so we didn't get to see the fish but will definitely be doing a return visit. You can also rent a fishing rod and try the catch and release in the pond outside.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On July 28 at 12:24 PM
Very hot and sticky out there! Too hot for me! We have a Saturday opening for a cleaning if you'd like to come and hang out in our awesome air conditioning! Netflix just added the latest Star Wars movie and there are lots of other amazing choices to help you pass the hour quickly.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On July 27 at 3:00 PM
Wish me luck! I've taken up running as a new challenge and a way to get off the couch and get moving. The 5k family fun run in Drumheller is going to be my first ever distance race since grade 8 cross country team. My husband will be joining me and it will be his first run also. Anyone else interested? The route is nice and flat and right along the river with some awesome scenery.

North Main Family Dental in Airdrie
On July 26 at 4:27 PM
It's the yummiest time of the year! All the fruit is in season and if you are heading to BC, it's also wine tasting season. These yummy things have some great health benefits but they have some natural sugars and are very acidic. Be careful not to consume too much, have a rinse with water when you are finished, and wait 30 mins before you brush your teeth because the tooth enamel is soft immediately after. Avoid dried fruit and fruit roll up type products. These get stuck on the biting surfaces of the molars and can cause tooth decay.

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