I Res-Q U, Inc in Airdrie
On February 07 at 7:22 AM
As you know it's winter in Canada! LOL Make sure that you put safety blankets, gloves, and other winter safety equipment in your vehicles! Check out the free online book from the Red Cross and review the environmental emergencies! Go to my website, iresqu.com and click More! You will see the online books there!

I Res-Q U, Inc in Airdrie
On February 07 at 7:22 AM
Do you need a first aid kit?  Supplies for your 72 hour kit?  Just got to iresqu.com and shop!  Items are from the Red Cross!

I Res-Q U, Inc in Airdrie
On February 07 at 7:20 AM
I Res-Q U, Inc updated their profile page in the Business Directory

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