About Us

My name is Ruth Martinuk and I am an ex-paramedic. I started I Res-Q U, Inc. In 2010.  I started teaching in Canada in 2008 after my grandson was killed in a car accident when he was seven. I realized that the first aiders at the scene were the ones that kept my family alive until the life flight helicopter could arrive. I decided then and there, that I would teach first aid. If I could save one life doing this I have honoured my grandson.  

If you are in need of your first aid and CPR, you can go to my website, IRESQU.com and choose the course you need. 
I teach the following courses:
  • Standard first aid level C,
  • Emergency first aid level C,
  • CPR/AED,
  • Basic life support For healthcare providers 
  • Home alone course
  • Babysitting course
  • Standard and emergency childcare first aid 
  • Psychological  first aid
  • Many online courses, such as WHMIS etc