Equine Choice


Equine Choice

Giddy-up Western Wear in Airdrie, Alberta carries the Equine Choice line of horse probiotics.

”A probiotic supplement helps re-populate the beneficial micro flora normally found in the digestive tract.  There are billions of microbes (gut bacteria) in healthy digestive tracts which are continually replenished as a horse grazes on grass 14 -16 hours/day . Penned horses or those engaged in competitive activities have a difficult time accessing sufficient levels of naturally occurring probiotics.  High levels of beneficial gut microbes are important for nutrient uptake and are also key players in strong immune function, hormone regulation, maintenance of proper gut pH levels, protein and vitamin synthesis, water/electrolyte absorption and hind gut fermentation, which provides 80% of a horses energy.”


Date Added 2017-11-29
Product Id 10406526