Frozen Shoulder Treatment


If you're having a lot of pain, stiffness, and trouble moving your shoulder, you may have a condition called frozen shoulder. 

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, it is a condition that is characterized by stiffness and pain in your shoulder. While many say just wait it out, the waiting process may take up to 2 years and there is still no guarantee that you will “unfreeze”. So you have the option of doing nothing and continuing with the pain or trying something to reduce your pain and get you moving again.

Don’t be disillusioned, this treatment hurts. But it makes total sense if you think about it. If we apply neurofascial techniques to something that is “frozen” and “painful” already - getting you moving will of course increase your pain. But this is short term. How short term – It’s tough to actually say – But may clients have improved mobility and decreased pain after their first visit and in some cases a complete return to normal function is as little as six treatments. 

Don’t you owe it to yourself to get the information and see if this is the solution for you?

Call Dean today for a Frozen Shoulder treatment at 587-830-3100 


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Better yet, see us in person!

We love our customers, so feel free to visit during normal business hours inside  Sugar Co.

Derivation Wellness

#5117 403 MacKenzie Way SW, Airdrie, AB, T4B 3V7



Frozen Shoulder
Date Added 2019-03-12
Product Id 10460303