Did you know Massage boosts ImmunityA 2010 study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that massage therapy helps boost patients' white blood cell count (which plays a large role in defending the body from disease).
I had the greatest honour of being this guys team trainer for 4 years, his eldest brother for 1 year and the middle brother for 5 years in hockey and lacrosse..It is always a great feeling when you see these athletes succeeding and last night when he gave me an autographed ball, well needless to say I was over the moon! Thanks Scrappy, you are my favorite Roughneck! So proud of you and your accomplishments. Never quit.
How is your core?As the picture below shows, a functioning core is the base unit required to be able to efficiently gain, strength, power and endurance. Many people unfortunately try to accomplish these without it-which in turn leads to injury, dysfunction and pain. Without proper core stability your extremities and back have to over-rely on your musculature to enable you to move around. If your core is running optimally, it acts like an anchor to ease strain on your joints and back.The good news is that we can help you get it back and give you the stability needed to safely achieve your fitness goals.At Derivation Wellness we can help you regain your core function-no weights, no training and no harsh exercise. Performing highly specialized neurological stimulation, we can get you up and literally running right away. Schedule your RAPID core assessment today! Https://derivationwellness.clinicsense.com/book
Todays Friend of Derivation Wellness is oxyREgen.Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the medical use of oxygen in a pressurized environment, at a level higher than 1 atmosphere absolute (ATA)Thank you for your ongoing support and friendship.Check them out at www.oxyregen.com