Though it sounds like a broken record, frequent handwashing throughout the day is an absolute must in maintaining your health. It not only helps protect your immune system and prevent you from developing flu and cold, but it protects others around you too! Creekside Pharmacy in Airdrie cares about your health! 1113-403 MacKenzie Way SW, Airdrie, Alberta
If you have no desire to head outdoors for your workout, then never fear. There are plenty of resources online that supply fun workout videos and exercises. These resources offer a variety of workouts including yoga, strength training, aerobics and other body-weight exercises. Check out Pinterest for tons of great resources so you can get fit in the comfort of your own living room.
Happy Easter from Creekside Pharmacy, we wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday!
In the Spring it is still a good idea to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants, but you can start taking out those wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses, broad-spectrum (SPF-15) sunscreens! Summer will be here before you know it!
Happy April Fools Day! All of us at Creekside Pharmacy wishes you all the very best on this day. Have fun and stay safe.
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