ConfiDental Health + Dental Clinic in Airdrie
On March 18 at 1:00 AM
We believe that it is our responsibility to implement temporary policies that will reduce transmission and help to protect our community while allowing us to care for those patients who are in need of emergency treatment.
As we are witnessing in other countries and communities in this crisis, these measures, implemented in a timely manner, can save lives.
Effective as of March 17, 2020 all elective treatment procedure will be postponed or rescheduled. Appointments will be limited to those patients in need of emergency care.
Call us if you experience any dental emergencies during this time, on our emergency phone: 403-408-9094.
This policy and related criteria will be re-evaluated every week and modified on the basis of current information and status of the situation. We will be available by phone or email for you if you have any questions.
If you or someone in your immediate family are experiencing flu-like symptoms, we ask that you use caution and refrain from coming into the dental clinic. If you have been in close contact with anyone who has been positively diagnosed with the COVID-19 virus, we ask that you apply the same caution and refrain from coming into the clinic. Any non-emergency dental appointments can be rescheduled for when you have recovered.
We believe that a caring and collaborative approach to this healthcare situation is the best way to reduce the risk of illness for everyone. If you have any questions, concerns or recommendations you would like to share on this situation, please feel free to contact us by email at
@who @cdcgov @covid19.canada @shopairdrie #shopairdrie #healthcanada #yycsmallbusiness #yycbusiness #yychealth #yycliving #yyclocal #airdrieliving #handwashingsaveslives #coronavirus #publichealth #airdriehealth #globalhealth #airdriebusiness #airdriesmallbusiness #shoplocalairdrie #shoplocalcalgary #

ConfiDental Health + Dental Clinic in Airdrie
On March 18 at 12:57 AM
ConfiDental Health + Dental Clinic updated their profile page in the Business Directory

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