Bayfield Mortgage Professionals Ltd in Airdrie
On November 14 at 2:39 PM
Check out what my clients are saying about me. Could you or someone you know use my services? Always looking for new clients to help. #bestservice #workingforyou #showmethemooney #Callmenow #happyclients #5star #yyc #airdrie #mortgagebroker

Bayfield Mortgage Professionals Ltd in Airdrie
On November 14 at 2:39 PM
Rate update here! Get Pre-Approved now as interest rates have been on a slow and steady increase for some time now. #120dayratehold #applynow

Bayfield Mortgage Professionals Ltd in Airdrie
On November 05 at 2:50 PM
Are you in the market for a new house? Take possession before the holidays. #BuyNow #xmasaroundthecorner #5minprequalify #Icanhelp #showmethemooney #buyersmarket #lowratesnow #call me now #realestate #property #house #firsttimebuyer #home #condo #buy #sell #yyc #airdrie #yycmortgage #yycrealestate #yychomes #investment #realestateyyc #ouryyc

Bayfield Mortgage Professionals Ltd in Airdrie
On October 29 at 1:03 PM
Big news last week in rates is the increase to Prime rates. For most with variable rates, that means an increased payment. With rates on both variable and fixed trending up contact me to find out what you should do. #fixedvariabledebate #Icanhelp #callmenow

Bayfield Mortgage Professionals Ltd in Airdrie
On October 24 at 1:09 PM
Bank of Canada Meets this week. Where do you think rates will go? They'll either go up or stay the same, no chance their going down. #variablerate #BOCUpdate #showmethemooney #hopingnochange

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