About Us

I’m stephanie, your Mind-Body Nutrition Expert. I am a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant™, Registered Social Worker, Certified Eating Psychology practitioner and 200 hour Yoga Teacher.
I believe that food an emotions are deeply entwined, and when we begin to explore the roots of our challenges around food we being to understand that our challenges and imbalances are often a symptom of something else that is goin on. Gentle inquiry into the aspects and themes is a pivotal piece to creating to creating a healthy sustainable lifestyle. We can't make good choices if we don't know how, or if we believe we can't.
I work with people to help develop an understanding of their beliefs around food and finding a way to move toward health in a supportive partnership, not a dictatorship. I love seeing people change their perspective on food, and fall in love with themselves again.
Through my 3 pillars of service I combine traditional social work and holisitic nutriton to create a unique, supportive and customized experience.
A strong focus on understanding the emotion behind the actions, habits and patterns to help you unravel your relationship with food. Through counselling and reflective exploration we will learn and understand why you use food as a symbolic substitution to cope and protect yourself.
We will work towards creating a sense of safety and security in your body giving you a sense of wholeness though thoughtful reflection and authentic action.
This is the piece in which work towards reframing your mindset around food and releasing you from toxic nutritional beliefs. We will work together to reframe your outdated mindset around food in order to create space for long term results and sustainable habits. Through a variety of techniques we will explore your current mindset and work towards embodying one that is inline with your goals.
This is where we will work toward developing a plan for you. This is the customized nutritional guidance around your needs and goals. I will support you in developing a meal guide and nutritional literacy topics to help you take action to improve your diet., but also find space in making choices around what is best for you without the shame and guilt attached to food.
I offer a number of supportive services including 1 on 1 coaching, group programs, and online courses. Let's connect if you think you might be interested in learning more about how I can serve you!
Lead with love,



Are you ready to get started but aren’t sure which program is for you? Book a complimentary consulatation call with me. Please set aside 30 – 45 minutes for our consultation. I’ll help you choose a program that is the best fit for you, make sure we’re a good fit for each other, and make sure that I can meet all your needs and more.

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