Access Chiropractic & Wellness in Airdrie
On December 15 at 7:47 PM
The Value of WalkingWhen we are learning to propel ourselves forward as a baby one of the first reflexes we develop is called the cross crawl reflex.Basically when you move your leg forward your arm swings backwards, it optimizes our motion, requires a full firing of the nervous system and utilizes pretty much the entire musculoskeletal-skeletal complex to work.Committing to a walking program will improve your cardiovascular health, increase your immune system and make you a more coordinated human being.How do you start? Put one foot in front of the other every day for 15 minutes to start if you have been sedentary. Do this for a week and then add 5 minutes per week. Once you hit 40-60 minutes a minimum of 4-6x per week congratulations you have hit an optimal frequency for health. If you want to get crazy and shoot for performance strive for 7x per week for 60 minutes and/or add in a long trek on the weekend.Add a walking program to your healthy lifestyle and I guarantee you the results you feel and see will be nothing short of amazing.

Access Chiropractic & Wellness in Airdrie
On December 10 at 7:58 AM
This is so true.

Access Chiropractic & Wellness in Airdrie
On December 02 at 4:54 PM
December is here! That means it's time to start planning out your holiday donations. Please consider donating to Airdrie POWER Women's Shelter Campaign through us until December 28th.

Access Chiropractic & Wellness in Airdrie
On November 30 at 11:42 AM
Foodie Friday15-Minute Lemon Garlic Butter Steak with Zucchini Noodles

Access Chiropractic & Wellness in Airdrie
On November 14 at 2:39 PM
Looking for something to Donate to this Holiday Season? Why not Donate to Airdrie POWER Women's Shelter Campaign.We will be taking Monetary Donations as well as Toiletry and Nicety Donations from November 19th until December 28th.Need Donation Ideas? Look in the Comments to see what's needed.Please Note: They DO NOT need any TOOTHPASTE at this time.

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